Special Offers For Our New Patients

March can be your lucky month!

Any patient that schedules and completes treatment in the month of March is eligible to win a 50″ TV! This our way of saying thank you to our patients. Thank you and good luck!!

$59 Limited exam and x-ray (1 problem area)

$99 Complete exam 2 x-rays and cleaning (Whole mouth, does NOT cover deep cleanings if needed)

$89 Same-day take home whitening with complete exam

$99 Simple extraction (loose teeth)

$199 Surgical extraction (wisdom teeth)

[su_button url=”tel:4059420337″ background=”#C2B59B” color=”#625b4e” size=”5″ radius=”5″ icon=”icon: arrow-circle-right” icon_color=”#625b4e”]Call Today to Get Started[/su_button]

[su_button url=”https://www.23rdstdental.com/contactappointments/” background=”#C2B59B” color=”#625b4e” size=”5″ radius=”5″ icon=”icon: arrow-circle-right” icon_color=”#625b4e”]Make An Appointment[/su_button]


Ofertas especiales

El mes de Marzo puede ser tu mes de suerte!

Todos los pacientes que hagan cita para hacer o completar tratamiento en el mes de Marzo es eligible para ganar una TV de 50″. Es nuestra forma de decir gracias a nuestros pacientes. Gracias y buena suerte!!

$ 59 Examen limitado y rayos-x (1 área de problema)

$ 99 Examen completo, 2 radiografías y limpieza (boca total, NO cubre limpieza profunda si es necesario)

$ 89 Blanqueamiento para llevar a casa y examen completo

$ 99 Extracción sencilla (Dientes flojos)

$199 Extracción complicada (muelas del juicio)

[su_button background=”#C2B59B” color=”#625b4e” size=”5″ wide=”no” url=”tel:4057788282″ center=”no” radius=”5″ icon=”icon: arrow-circle-right” icon_color=”#625b4e”]Llámenos hoy[/su_button]

[su_button url=”https://www.23rdstdental.com/contactappointments/” background=”#C2B59B” color=”#625b4e” size=”5″ radius=”5″ icon=”icon: arrow-circle-right” icon_color=”#625b4e”]Programar una cita

Contact Us Today

Please fill out the contact form below or call our office at (405) 963-2050 to speak with a front office staff member. If you require bilingual assistance, please call (405) 778-8282 to speak with a Spanish-speaking representative.

*All fields are required for a successful submission.